Results for 'Sherry L. Deckman'

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  1.  33
    Numbers are Just Not Enough: A Critical Analysis of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Elementary and Middle School Health Textbooks.Sherry L. Deckman, Ellie Fitts Fulmer, Keely Kirby, Katharine Hoover & Abena Subira Mackall - 2018 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 54 (3):285-302.
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    Humanizing Education: Critical Alternatives to Reform.Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Kristy S. Cooper, Sherry S. Deckman, Christina L. Dobbs, Chantal Francois, Thomas Nikundiwe & Carla Shalaby (eds.) - 2010 - Harvard Educational Review.
    _Humanizing Education_ offers historic examples of humanizing educational spaces, practices, and movements that embody a spirit of hope and change. From Dayton, Ohio, to Barcelona, Spain, this collection of essays from the _Harvard Educational Review_ carries readers to places where people have first imagined—and then organized—their own educational responses to dehumanizing practices and conditions. Contributors include Montse Sánchez Aroca, William Ayers, Kathy Boudin, Fernando Cardenal, Jeffrey M. R. Duncan-Andrade, Marco Garrido, Jay Gillen, Maxine Greene, Kathe Jervis, Nancy Uhlar Murray, Valerie (...)
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    Referral to and discharge from cardiac rehabilitation: key informant views on continuity of care.Sherry L. Grace, Suzan Krepostman, Dina Brooks, Susan Jaglal, Beth L. Abramson, Pat Scholey, Neville Suskin, Heather Arthur & Donna E. Stewart - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (2):155-163.
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    Reconstructing and Interpreting a Thirteenth-Century Office for the Translation of Thomas Becket.Sherry L. Reames - 2005 - Speculum 80 (1):118-170.
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    The origins of T. H. Huxley's saltationism: History in Darwin's shadow.Sherrie L. Lyons - 1995 - Journal of the History of Biology 28 (3):463-494.
  6.  20
    Folk Dress, Fiestas, and Festivals.Sherry L. Field, Michelle Bauml, Ron W. Wilhelm & Joelle Jenkins - 2012 - Journal of Social Studies Research 36 (1):22-46.
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    Gender bias in cardiovascular advertisements.Sofia B. Ahmed, Sherry L. Grace, Henry Thomas Stelfox, George Tomlinson & Angela M. Cheung - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (4):531-538.
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    Evaluating the Reporting Quality of Researcher-Developed Alphabet Knowledge Measures: How Transparent and Replicable Is It?Sherri L. Horner & Sharon A. Shaffer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The American Educational Research Association and American Psychological Association published standards for reporting on research. The transparency of reporting measures and data collection is paramount for interpretability and replicability of research. We analyzed 57 articles that assessed alphabet knowledge using researcher-developed measures. The quality of reporting on different elements of AK measures and data collection was not related to the journal type nor to the impact factor or rank of the journal but rather seemed to depend on the individual author, (...)
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    The discourse functions of OK.Sherri L. Condon - 1986 - Semiotica 60 (1-2):73-102.
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    Richard F. Johnson, Saint Michael the Archangel in Medieval English Legend. Woodbridge, Eng., and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell and Brewer, 2005. Pp. xii, 174; 2 tables. $90. [REVIEW]Sherry L. Reames - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1214-1215.
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    Thomas huxley: Fossils, persistence, and the argument from design.Sherrie L. Lyons - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (3):545-569.
    In struggling to free science from theological implications, Huxley let his own philosophical beliefs influence his interpretation of the data. However, he was certainly not unique in this respect. Like the creationists he despised, he made many important contributions to the issue of progression in the fossil record and its relationship to evolutionary theory. Certainly other factors were involved as well. Undoubtedly, just the sheer inertia of ideas played a role. He was committed to a theory of type and was (...)
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  12.  21
    Mayumi Taguchi, John Scahill, and Satoko Tokunaga, eds., Caxton’s “Golden Legend,” vol. 1. (Early English Text Society Original Series 355.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 320. $85. ISBN: 978-0-1988-6796-8. [REVIEW]Sherry L. Reames - 2022 - Speculum 97 (4):1259-1260.
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    Associations between speech understanding and auditory and visual tests of verbal working memory: effects of linguistic complexity, task, age, and hearing loss.Sherri L. Smith & M. Kathleen Pichora-Fuller - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  14.  14
    Book Review: The Art of the Gut: Manhood, Power, and Ethics in Japanese Politics. [REVIEW]Sherry L. Martin - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (6):798-800.
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  15. Textual Notes on Synesius'''De Providentia''.A. Cameron, J. Long & L. Sherry - 1988 - Byzantion 58 (1):54-64.
  16.  24
    Education and the selection task.Sherri L. Jackson & Richard A. Griggs - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (4):327-330.
  17. The Paraphrase of St John attributed to Nonnus.L. F. Sherry - 1996 - Byzantion 66:409-430.
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    Ikuo Kabashima and Gill Steel, Changing Politics in Japan, Cornell University Press, 2010, 184 pp. [REVIEW]Sherry L. Martin - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 13 (1):159-160.
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    Shawn Michelle Smith. American Archives: Gender, Race, and Class in Visual Culture. xvi + 299 pp., frontis., illus., bibl., index. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000. $55. [REVIEW]Sherry L. Smith - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):494-495.
  20. Assessing the psychological mindedness of children and adolescents.Robert L. Hatcher & Sherry L. Hatcher - 1997 - In M. McCallum & W. Piper, Psychological Mindedness: A Contemporary Understanding. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 59--75.
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  21. The J.H.B. Bookshelf.Marjorie Grene, Sherrie L. Lyons, Mark V. Barrow Jr, Ronald Rainger, Susan Lindee, Jane Maienschein, Michael Fortun & Joel B. Hagen - 1994 - Journal of the History of Biology 27 (1):161-175.
  22. The Tale of a Happy Fool: the Vita of St. Philaretos the Merciful (BHG. 1511z-1512b).A. Kazhdan & L. F. Sherry - 1996 - Byzantion 66:351-362.
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    Degree and correlates of patient trust in their cardiologist.Sheena Kayaniyil, Shannon Gravely-Witte, Donna E. Stewart, Lyall Higginson, Neville Suskin, David Alter & Sherry L. Grace - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):634-640.
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  24. Coaching and teaching social studies: The perceptions of preservice teachers.John J. Chiodo, Leisa A. Martin & Sherry L. Rowan - 2002 - Journal of Social Studies Research 26 (2):10-19.
  25. Human participants challenges in youth tobacco cessation research: Researchers' perspectives.Kathleen R. Diviak, Susan J. Curry, Sherry L. Emery & Robin J. Mermelstein - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (4):321 – 334.
    Recruiting adolescents into smoking cessation studies is challenging, particularly given institutional review board (IRB) requirements for research conducted with adolescents. This article provides a brief review of the federal regulations that apply to research conducted with adolescents, and describes researchers' experiences of seeking IRB approval for youth cessation research. Twenty-one researchers provided information. The most frequently reported difficulty involved obtaining parental consent. Solutions to commonly reported problems with obtaining IRB approval are also identified. Waivers of parental consent can facilitate recruitment (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 1.Cyrus Lee, Sheldon Stoff, Thomas R. Berg, John Georgeoff, David A. Shiman, Gene D. Alsup, Wayne G. Bragg, Librado K. Vasquez, Katherine Sun, Phyllis I. Danielson, Sherry L. Willis, Felix F. Billingsley, Robert Hoppock, Richard G. Durnin, Spencer J. Maxcy, Roger J. Fitzgerald, Robert D. Brown, William Duffy & J. F. Townley - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (1):8-21.
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  27. Attentional factors in a disjunctive reasoning task.Richard A. Griggs, Richard D. Platt, Stephen E. Newstead & Sherri L. Jackson - 1998 - Thinking and Reasoning 4 (1):1-14.
    Girotto and Legrenzi's 1993 facilitation effect for their SARS version of Wason s THOG problem a disjunctive reasoning task was examined. The effect was not replicated when the standard THOG problem instructions were used in Experiments 1 and 2. However, in Experiment 3 when Girotto and Legrenzi's precise instructions were used, facilitation was observed. Experiment 4 further investigated the role of the type of instructions in the observed facilitation. The results suggest that such facilitation may result from attentional factors rather (...)
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  28.  65
    Patient factors associated with attrition from a self‐management education programme.Enza Gucciardi, Margaret DeMelo, Ana Offenheim, Sherry L. Grace & Donna E. Stewart - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (6):913-919.
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    Age-related striatal BOLD changes without changes in behavioral loss aversion.Vijay Viswanathan, Sang Lee, Jodi M. Gilman, Byoung Woo Kim, Nick Lee, Laura Chamberlain, Sherri L. Livengood, Kalyan Raman, Myung Joo Lee, Jake Kuster, Daniel B. Stern, Bobby Calder, Frank J. Mulhern, Anne J. Blood & Hans C. Breiter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Web-Based Psychoeducation Program for Caregivers of First-Episode of Psychosis: An Experience of Chinese Population in Hong Kong.Sherry K. W. Chan, Samson Tse, Harrison L. T. Sin, Christy L. M. Hui, Edwin H. M. Lee, Wing C. Chang & Eric Y. H. Chen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The evolution of multiple memory systems.David F. Sherry & Daniel L. Schacter - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (4):439-454.
  32. Understanding students' explanations of biological phenomena: Conceptual frameworks or p‐prims?Sherry A. Southerland, Eleanor Abrams, Catherine L. Cummins & Julie Anzelmo - 2001 - Science Education 85 (4):328-348.
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  33.  44
    Selective Processing Biases in Anxiety-sensitive Men and Women.Sherry H. Stewart, Patricia J. Conrod, Michelle L. Gignac & Robert O. Pihl - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (1):105-134.
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    Narrative Symposium: Living Organ Donation.Laura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E. Post & Vicky Young - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):7-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• My Donation (...)
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    Knowledge and Critical Thinking as Course Predictors and Outcomes.Robert L. Williams, Sherry K. Bain & Susan L. Stockdale - 2003 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 22 (4):57-63.
    Pre- and postmeasures of course knowledge correlated more strongly and consistently with course performance variables (essay quizzes, course project, multiple-choice exams, and total course credit)than did pre- and postmeasures of generic critical thinking. In addition, the total sample (N =126) improved significantly on course knowledge from the pre- to the postassessment but changed minimally on critical thinking. The extent and pattern of change in critical thinking differed somewhat for students making high and low grades in the course. High-grade students achieved (...)
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  36.  45
    Dynamic models, fitness functions and food storing.Christine L. Hitchcock & David F. Sherry - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):99-99.
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    Graduate students’ experiences with research ethics in conducting health research.Wendy Petillion, Sherri Melrose, Sharon L. Moore & Simon Nuttgens - 2016 - Research Ethics 13 (3-4):139-154.
    Graduate students typically first experience research ethics when they submit their masters or doctoral research projects for ethics approval. Research ethics boards in Canada review and grant ethical approval for student research projects and often have to provide additional support to these novice researchers. Previous studies have explored curriculum content, teaching approaches, and the learning environment related to research ethics for graduate students. However, research does not exist that examines students’ actual experience with the research ethics process. Qualitative description was (...)
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  38. Body Aesthetics.Sherri Irvin (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The body is a rich object for aesthetic inquiry. We aesthetically assess both our own bodies and those of others, and our felt bodily experiences have aesthetic qualities. The body features centrally in aesthetic experiences of visual art, theatre, dance and sports. It is also deeply intertwined with one's identity and sense of self. Artistic and media representations shape how we see and engage with bodies, with consequences both personal and political. This volume contains sixteen original essays by contributors in (...)
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    The Role of the Illusion in the Construction of Erotic Desire: Narratives from Heterosexual Men Who Have Occasional Sex with Transgender Women.Cathy J. Reback, Rachel L. Kaplan, Talia Mae Bettcher & Sherry Larkins - 2016 - Culture, Health, and Sexuality 18 (8):951-963.
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    Sherry L. Smith. Reimagining Indians: Native Americans through Anglo Eyes, 1880–1940. xii + 273 pp., illus., index.Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. $35. [REVIEW]Clara Sue Kidwell - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):92-92.
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    Sherrie L. Lyons, From Cells to Organisms: Re-envisioning Cell Theory, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.Hanna Lucia Worliczek - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (1):1-5.
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  42. Sherrie L. Lyons, Thomas Henry Huxley: The Evolution of a Scientist.M. Ghiselin - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (2):309-309.
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    Stephen R. L. Clark God, religion and reality. (London: SPCK, 1998). Pp. IX+177. £17.99 pbk. [REVIEW]Patrick Sherry - 2000 - Religious Studies 36 (1):107-121.
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  44. Interprétation et description d’une oeuvre d’art.Sherri Irvin - 2005 - Philosophiques 32 (1):135-148.
    According to Arthur Danto, it is illegitimate to seek a neutral, or pre-interpretative, description of an artwork, since such descriptions necessarily fail to respect the artwork as such. Instead, we must begin by interpreting, so as to constitute the work : interpretation is what distinguishes artworks from mere physical objects. In this paper, I argue that, while Danto is right to distance artworks from mere things, this can be done without suggesting that artworks are constituted by interpretation. Moreover, Danto’s view (...)
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  45. Artworks and Representational Properties.Sherri Irvin - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (4):627-644.
    A sustained challenge to the view that artworks are physical objects relates to the alleged inability of physical objects to possess representational properties, which some artworks clearly do possess. I argue that the challenge is subject to confusions about representational properties and aesthetic experience. I show that a challenge to artwork-object identity put forward by Danto is vulnerable to a similar criticism. I conclude by noting that the identity of artworks and physical objects is consistent with the insight that attending (...)
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    Sherry L. Martin and Gill Steel (eds.), Democratic Reform in Japan: Assessing the Impact, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-1588265814 $58.50. [REVIEW]Gregory J. Kasza - 2009 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 10 (2):239-241.
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    (1 other version)The Cultural Fix: An Anthropological Contribution to Science and Technology Studies.Linda L. Layne - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (4):492-519.
    Since at least the 1960s, science and technology studies scholars have distinguished between technological and social fixes. The author introduces a new concept for the STS theoretical tool kit—the cultural fix—and illustrates this concept using examples from her own research on pregnancy loss and neonatal intensive care, as well as that of anthropologists Katherine Newman and Sherry Ortner on downward mobility and unemployment in the United States. It is argued that the cultural fix represents a distinctive anthropological contribution to (...)
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  48. Pragmatist Aesthetics and the Experience of Technology.David L. Hildebrand - 2018 - In Anders Buch & Theodore R. Schatzki, Questions of Practice in Philosophy and Social Theory. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 114-135.
    Abstract: For most people, mobile phones and various forms of personal information technology (PIT) have become standard equipment for everyday life. Recent theorists such as Sherry Turkle raise psychological and philosophical questions about the impact of such technologies and practices, but deeper further philosophical work is needed. This paper takes a pragmatic approach to examining the effects of PIT practices upon experience. After reviewing several main issues with technology raised by Communication theorists, the paper looks more deeply at Turkle’s (...)
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    Lessons Learned: The Realities of Living Organ Donation.Donna L. Luebke - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):24-26.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• My Donation (...)
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    Kidney Donation Story.Janice Flynn - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):11-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• My Donation (...)
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